Sunday, October 10, 2010


Here are some more visual highlights from my trip.
I got to play with ladies and babies during the day.

I held Zoey and Locke while Tess and Laura were trying on clothes.
All things considered I think I handled them ok.

Tess Zoey and I went to REI to find a new baby carrier.
I think both of their facial expressions say that this one is the winner.

Jon and Buddy

This is an awesome view from Andrews apartment.
He has a telescope and we got to see Jupiter and 4 of it's moons!
It was really cool. Unfortunately we weren't able to see your anus.

Even starring out the window on my way out of Salt Lake was beautiful.
I had a great trip.


LJ Elkins said...

ha, oh lol I love that first picture. It pretty much sums up the personalities of both babies.

Janie said...

Ha, your expression in the first photo is priceless! No doubt you figured out the baby business and won the hearts of both kiddos.